Tuesday 26 March 2013

Simple ways work…

Big nations realize it. India too has committed to reduce its carbon emissions by going green. Every business and corporate venture is doing its best. It’s high time we also pay heed to this.

The term “carbon footprint” is used to denote the amount of carbon dioxide produced by your daily activities and use of material goods. Since CO2 is the most common of the greenhouse gases, you can determine your personal participation in Global Warming.

A carbon footprint consists of direct, or primary carbon production, and indirect, the secondary footprint.

Your primary footprint comes from your personal activities that result in carbon dioxide emissions – things like your car burning fossil fuels, the energy you use to heat and cool your home, the electricity consumed at home or work, etc.

Some things you may want to change are:

1.       You may want to finish your week’s shopping at one go

2.       If you are not in a habit of storing groceries for a week and have much time to buy things daily then please have some air in your lungs, take a walk till the nearby store or pick up your kids’ bicycle

3.       Summers are already there and we all expect them to be harsher. The only way we can be in a better position to face the heat outside is to be tolerant enough. For those who can’t seem to adjust without an air conditioner, please make sure to turn-up the thermostat of the AC in your room to 25 degrees. This can save your electricity bill too and in some time you will realize that this is a comfortable temperature to be in

4.       Thinking of buying that laptop? Do it now. Laptops consume five times less electricity than a desktop

5.       Simply turning off your television stereo, computer, fans, lights when you are not using them will save you thousands of kg of carbon dioxide a year

6.       Replace your most frequently used bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFLs). These use four times less energy and last eight times longer

7.       Drive less. Walk, bike, car pool or take public transport at least once a week if you are a daily commuter. You'll save 1.5 kg carbon dioxide for every 5 km you don't drive. Switch off your car if you stop for more than two minutes

8.       Go solar. Sunlight can be used in many ways to save energy. Use a solar water heater instead of an electric geyser. A 100-litre solar water heater can save around 15 units of electricity every year

Next we shall talk about secondary carbon footprint

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